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Join these 5 organisations to transform the world in 2022

Words by Smiley Team

If you have a vision for a better world, uniting with others can help you see it through. Find people who share your dream of positive change by joining an organisation dedicated to the cause you most care about.

In 2022. there are still many battles to be won. But the good news is that there are plenty of groups you can join in order to push for the vital changes we need.

Here are some suggestions to get you started.

End global inequalities: ONE

Eschewing charity in favour of justice and equality, ONE is a global movement tackling wealth inequalities, poverty and preventable disease. To join, subscribe with your email address and they will send you updates on how you can take action alongside millions of people around the world.

Join ONE at

Aim for gender equality: Equality Now

If you believe in the equal rights of men and women, help achieve that goal by joining Equality Now. This international network of lawyers, activists and supporters campaigns for women and girls everywhere to gain equality with men. 

Join Equality Now at

Support displaced people: Refugees International

More than 80 million people around the world are victims of displacement, according to Refugees International. To support people forced to flee their homes, the organisation campaigns for better support for refugees globally.

Join Refugees International at

Fight climate change: Fridays for Future

Inspired by young activist Greta Thunberg, Fridays for Future is a youth-led organisation taking action every Friday as a united force to accelerate responses to climate change. It offers advice for how to lobby those in power and networks of people to join and tackle the climate crisis together.

Join Fridays for Future at

Tackle world hunger: Action Against Hunger

Action Against Hunger reached 9.6 million people through its water, sanitation and hygiene projects in 2020. Since then they have persisted in offering life-saving treatments and hunger prevention around the world. You can help by fundraising, supporting campaigns and much more.

Join Action Against Hunger at


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