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Stem4 has developed a new resource booklet to help teenagers who have been struggling with their mental health

Words by Smiley Team

UK Teenage Mental Health Charity stem4 has announced an truly unprecedented increase in demand for online resources since the UK entered a nationwide lockdown amid the COVID-19 outbreak. 


The ‘Resources’ page of stem4’s website, which hosts advice including tips on how to handle anxiety, saw an increase in views of over 1000% during lockdown versus the period before. The ‘Resilience for Teenagers’ page also saw a large increase in views with visitors growing over 800%.


Founded in 2011, stem4 was begun around a kitchen table with a group of six volunteers who had a range of skills and who all shared in their commitment to making a difference. Now, they have expanded to 6 staff, 8 trustees, 3 contractors, 8 volunteers – all still very committed to making a difference.


With such a clear demand for help from young people during this time, and the NHS under unprecedented strain, clinical psychologist and stem4 Founder & CEO Dr Krause has developed a new resource booklet to help teenagers who might be worried about the outbreak, or have been struggling with their mental health.


The booklet compiles the information that was hosted on the newly popular ‘Resources’ page and offers new guidance on dealing with loss, family issues and worries surrounding COVID-19 and some guidance on looking forward. It also provides information on managing ongoing mental health issues amidst disruption to existing services, as well as managing newly emerging mental ill health issues due to increased anxiety during the coronavirus outbreak.


Funded by the Wooden Spoon Emergency Funding Project, the booklet provides information on how to develop a sense of social responsibility, helping the mental health of young people and others too. 


The booklet ‘Worried About Coronavirus?’ for young people can be downloaded for free HERE.

To learn more about stem4, to support their work and access help you can visit their website.

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