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Fashion brands collab to raise money

Words by Smiley Team

Fashion always feels better when it's doing good while you wear it. That's the basis of a new partnership between the Style for Stroke Foundation and sustainable and adaptable fashion brand Unhidden.

Style for Stroke aims to educate young people about strokes, their risk factors, and how to live a healthier life using fashion. Almost two thirds of stroke survivors leave hospital with a disability, making it the biggest cause of disability in the UK.

Partnering with them for a line of fashionable T-Shirts is Unhidden – another fashion brand, created to be adaptable and accessible for people with physical disabilities. And for this collab, 50% of the retail price from each tee will be being donated to charity. 

“Style For Stroke has always been about being inclusive, cool and compassionate with an edge, and I think the new designs really speak for themselves,” said Nick Ede, founder of Style for Stroke.

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The new range of T-Shirts feature simple, empowering slogans and are made from organic cotton.

Victoria Jenkins, founder of Unhidden, said: “When Nick contacted me for this collaboration I was absolutely thrilled as our missions are so closely aligned – raising awareness and funds for such an important cause is exactly why I do what I do – to shine a light on subjects we don’t see enough of.

"We’ll be using deadstock fabric to make the T-shirts (saving the fabric from landfill) and toxin-free eco dyes for the prints themselves as well as paying our seamstresses properly – this collaboration is truly putting people and planet first.”

Victoria decided to create Unhidden, a socially responsible adaptive fashion range for people with disabilities, when she became disabled in her 20s.

50% of the retail price from all the T-Shirts in this range will be split between three charities; Interact Stroke, the Billie Elizabeth Wood Trust and the Stroke Association. 

Inspired to act?

DONATE: Support charities who help people and families who have been affected by strokes such as the Stroke Association.

GET INVOLVED: Volunteer with charities such as the Environmental Justice Foundation who strive to make fashion more sustainable.

Photo credit: Teemill

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