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Today is the first Annual Remembrance Day for those who have been bereaved by suicide

Words by Abi Scaife

SOS Silence of Suicide, is a suicide prevention and emotional well-being helpline, aiming to help those who are going through a mental health crisis.

This year, on the 1st of May 2024, they are recognising their first Annual Remembrance Day for those who have been bereaved by suicide. Smiley News was able to speak to Yvette Greenway-Mansfield, the CEO and co-founder of SOS Silence of Suicide to learn more about this day, and how we can support the bereaved.

Tell me about SOS Silence of Suicide.

SOS began as a social support group in 2015. It came after our own personal losses to
suicide and a desire to help fight the shame, stigma, and silence surrounding mental health
and suicide.

Why is it so important to you to have an Annual Remembrance Day for those
we have lost to suicide?

According to data, there were a staggering 6,588 deaths registered in the UK where the
cause was recorded as suicide in 2022. And for every person who loses their life to suicide,
there are more people left behind grieving and in need of support.

Currently, no day exists to acknowledge and respect those who have been bereaved by
suicide, regardless of how recently, or how long ago, their loved one passed. Our Annual
Remembrance Day will change this, creating a place and time annually to bring people with
shared experiences together.

For those who have lost a loved one to suicide, how can we best support them
on this day?

The Annual Remembrance Day for those bereaved by suicide, is an opportunity to
remember the lives of those we have lost to suicide, offering a safe space and supportive
community of shared experiences. We hope that the launch of this movement is an
important step forward in breaking the stigma associated with suicide, stopping the silence,
starting the conversation, and providing more support to the bereaved.

What can people do to support and promote SOS Annual Remembrance Day?

For those who aren’t able to attend our Annual Remembrance Day service at Warwick
Castle, we are inviting people to participate on social media by sharing a picture of their lost
loved one along with a message of remembrance using the hashtag

Or for those who don’t use social media, we’re inviting people to support by lighting a candle
to shine a light for their passed loved one and taking some time to reflect and remember.

Charity check-in 

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article.

Ripple Suicide Prevention. R;pple exists to ensure immediate mental health support is presented to individuals following a harmful online search. Learn more here.

The Good Grief Trust. This charity is providing vital resources for people experiencing bereavement, offering comfort, practical support and the knowledge that they are not alone.

The Loss Foundation. This charity is the only UK charity dedicated solely to providing bereavement support following the loss of a loved one to cancer.

This article aligns with the UN SDGs Good Health and Wellbeing and Partnerships for the Goals.

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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