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Mum and daughter take on big hike challenge

Words by Smiley Team

A mum and daughter duo are taking on The Big Hike challenge to fundraise for Cancer Research UK in memory of a family friend.

Nicola and 15-year-old daughter Scarlett are walking 25 miles through the Yorkshire Dales in honour of Scarlett’s friend Meredith who died of bone cancer in January.

Scarlett wanted to do something positive to honour Meredith’s memory, a friend she has had since the age of eight. “We chose this hike because it’s in the Yorkshire Dales and I’m from Yorkshire (I live in Kent now) and love it up there," says Nicola.

"My dad used to trek the three peaks in the Dales every year when I was a kid and I did that myself when I was in my 20s. It’s a beautiful part of the country and I’m looking forward to sharing it with my daughter.

"I’m sure we’ll be both exhausted and emotional when we cross the finishing line.”

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What is the 'Big Hike'?

Cancer Research UK's Big Hike is a series of long distance hiking events set in six locations across the UK. The locations include the South Coast, Jurassic Coast, Yorkshire Dales, Brecon Beacons, Loch Lomond, and the Peak District.

Those taking part pay a donation to Cancer Research UK when signing up, and can also choose to do additional fundraising.

Scarlett and Nicola will be walking on 3 September and hope to raise at least £300 that they can donate in honour of 15-year-old Meredith.

So far, the pair have raised £100 and £25 additional gift aid, with all the money going into progress in cancer treatment.

Fundraising for cancer research

Around 1 in 2 people in the UK get some form of cancer during their lifetime, but cancer survival rates have doubled in 40 years thanks to advancements in treatment and in improving early diagnosis. 

Bone cancer is much rarer than most cancer types and only around 550 new cases are diagnosed each year, with a 55% survival rate.

At the moment, Scarlett and her mum's practice walks have reached around five to seven miles a time, as they prepare for the hefty 25-mile challenge.

“We’re doing as much walking as we can to prepare. Scarlett is in her first year of GCSES so she’s quite busy, but she’s a lot fitter and younger of course!” says Nicola.

“My aim is to do some 10 and 15 mile practice hikes before the actual one. As a friend said, it’s about getting miles onto the legs rather than doing a full 25-miles before the big day.”

Inspired to act?

DONATE: To support Nicola and Scarlett by donating to their hike in memory of Meredith, visit their fundraising page.

TAKE PART: To take on The Big Hike Challenge 2022 yourself, head to Cancer Research UK to find out the details and how to sign up

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