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The CEO Encouraging Youth Into Arts, Culture and Creativity

Words by Harrison Read

Meet Matt Lane, The CEO and Artistic Director of Eastside. Eastside's focus is on developing the limitless potential of children and young people through art culture and creativity.

Matt relishes working with inspirational teachers, artists, colleagues and partner organisations to realise charities goals and bring wonderful life-changing opportunities to thousands of young people.

At Eastside, impact comes both in the numbers of students they teach and the quality of the engagement with them and their teachers.

From half-day workshops that spark creativity or introduce a new art form, through to longer-term programmes that nurture young creative potential, they pride themselves on the depth and quality of their impact, as well as the diversity of the students they reach and the artists they engage with.

Eastside is proud to inspire thousands of children and young people each year through delivering outstanding creative and cultural participation opportunities across a range of art forms including acting, filmmaking, visual arts, spoken word, and many more.

Learn more about Eastside here.

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