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This charity is providing rent relief for families in the US

Words by Smiley Team

The global shutdown has had a catastrophic impact on the US economy and the lives of millions and in light of this a new charity - Revelium Foundation - has brought forward its launch to help renters struggling to pay their rents.

The charity has been established and funded by Andy Capps and Lance Popp, the co-founders and the co-CEOs of RESICAP, a leading organisation in the single-family rental industry. The foundation aims to provide temporary rent relief for families in need and the launch was fast tracked in light of the pandemic to ensure the most vulnerable are able to access the support they need. With many people losing work, becoming sick or bereaved, the pandemic has threatened all aspects of life and for families across the country this pandemic could have disastrous long-term consequences beyond just the virus.

Founder Mr Capps says that ‘So many families live paycheque to paycheque and it's heartbreaking to watch them struggle just to keep a roof over their head during times of hardship,’

Many families across the U.S. are only one hardship -away from eviction and from losing their homes. With 36.6% of people in the U.S renting their homes, this means a huge portion of the population live in fear of losing their security and stability. My hope is that the Relevium Foundation can help even just a portion of those renters have a chance to succeed and thrive once again.’ continues Capps. 

Those renters who apply for temporary rent relief through Relevium Foundation must adhere to stringent criteria and provide specific documentation for verification purposes. An initial Board has been created to review and prioritise applications based on that criteria to ensure that those who need it most are helped first. 

‘This is certainly an opportune moment to launch this foundation,’ says Mr. Capps, ‘as we seek to support our communities, help renters stay on their feet, and allow families continue to raise their children in a safe and happy environment."

You can apply for assistance here and donations are accepted here

By Ellen Jones

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