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TOGETHERBAND x Smiley launches ‘Radical Optimism for a Health Planet’ band collection during London Climate Week

Words by Cheyanne Bryan

#TOGETHERBAND hosted an event to launch the ‘Radical Optimism for a Health Planet’ band collection in partnership with Smiley and Smiley Movement.

During London Climate Week, Smiley partnered with #TOGETHERBAND, which is brought to us by the British luxury sustainable brand BOTTLETOP, to make bands that symbolise each of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, with its colour corresponding to the respective goal.

Through the Smiley Matchmaker for Good program, the primary objective is to humanise these goals, enabling individuals to select one that resonates most with them. Simultaneously this will raise awareness, initiate crucial conversations, and drive actions in these vital areas. And additionally the sale of these bands generates funds to support charities aligned with each of the UN 17 Goal areas, furthering the impactful work of #TOGETHERBAND.

Cameron Saul, CEO of #TOGETHERBAND identifies that the Smiley bead is “confiscated illegal firearm metal that the smiley face is cast into, that comes from conflict areas in Central America, helping young men to step away from the violence.

He continues: “It’s thread which we developed from Parley is made from marine waste, ocean plastic and they’re assembled by the brilliant women in Nepal that they work with through two incredible local NGOs that help women to be rescued from human trafficking situations and other women from the streets.”

The collaboration is a part of the Smiley Future Positive which focuses on maintaining a positive outlook towards the future. It emphasises optimism, hope, and proactive actions to create a better world for ourselves and future generations. This mindset encourages individuals to approach challenges with a constructive attitude, believing in the potential for positive change and progress.

Check out the whole collaborative collection here and to watch the video, head over to our socials.

Charity check-in

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article.

Traid. This charity tackles waste and environmental destruction in the clothing industry by selling secondhand clothes to fund development projects and improving working standards in the textiles industry. Find out more.

Fashion Revolution. This non-profit campaigns for an ethical, eco-friendly and accountable fashion industry. Discover their work.

Remake. This is a global advocacy organisation working towards strong working conditions and climate justice in the clothing industry. Support them here.

This article aligns with the UN SDG Partnerships for the Goals.

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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