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Top 10 ways you can help end homelessness

Words by Smiley Team

Homelessness is an ever-present issue that is difficult to ignore. From small acts to grand solutions, here are our top ten tips for how to help end one of the biggest problems facing society today.

Host a homeless person in your home

It may seem like a big step to take, letting a stranger into your own home, but it’s perhaps one of the most concrete things you can do as an individual to support someone who is homeless or at risk of ending up on the streets. Organisations such as SASH and DEPAUL offer official routes through which you can turn someone’s life around by offering them your spare room.

Campaign against the root causes of homelessness

Individual acts only go so far in tackling a systemic problem such as the housing crisis. By signing petitions and supporting campaigns you can combat the underlying problems that lead to homelessness. Campaigns by charities such as Shelter and Crisis, as well as organisations like the London Renters Union and Acorn, help drive the societal progress necessary to end homelessness on a larger scale. 

Tell the council or Streetlink if you see someone sleeping rough

Councils are one of the main contact points for homeless people to find accommodation. If you see someone sleeping rough you can help them by notifying the council through the Streetlink website. Importantly, if the person is under 18 you should contact the police to find them immediate accommodation. If the person appears to be in immediate danger or to need urgent care call 999.

Share your own experience of housing problems

If you’ve had experiences of housing problems you can help campaigners shape initiatives around real-life needs. Whether you’ve had a problem with your landlord or are at risk of eviction you can share your story via homeless charities Shelter and Crisis.

Organise or join a fundraising event

Events are a great way to turn a negative issue into positive action through fundraising. Have fun, get creative or boost your fitness levels with challenges for you and your friends to join in with. Shelter has marathons and at-home fitness challenges coming up. But you can also create your own and the charity will set up your online fundraiser for you.

Donate money

An obvious way you can help is by supporting charities through a donation. This will help the long-term running of homeless services, helplines, research and much more. The main UK charities you could donate to include Shelter and Crisis. But you might also want to look into smaller charities local to you.

Donate food

By donating healthy food via your supermarket or directly to your local food bank you can help give homeless people access to healthy balanced meals. If you run a food business you can also contribute on a larger scale by donating food to FareShare, the UK’s main distributor to charities, clubs and homeless shelters.

Donate clothes

St Mungo’s homeless charity accepts donations of clean clothes, new socks, underwear and towels, and a variety of other goods that can help homeless people stay warm and clean.

Give your time or skills

By volunteering at a food bank, homeless shelter or for a charity you can make a big difference while gaining valuable experience yourself. According to national lockdown regulations, volunteering is one of the activities you are able to carry out in person.

Spread the word

If you lack time and money, a quick and easy way to support homeless people is by sharing information (such as this article) between friends and family or on social media. Just a few seconds, a click or two and maybe you will reach someone in need of help, or encourage someone else to take one of the actions listed above.

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