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Top 5 charity challenges to fill the long lockdown

Words by Smiley Team

Struggling to find things to do in lockdown? While many of us have a lot more spare time on our hands, this is the perfect opportunity to participate in a challenge for charities that are struggling now more than ever to raise funds. So get off your sofa and join these upcoming events ranging from the seriously sporty, to the care-free and wild.


A run for your money

Hoping to get fit while fundraising? This March mental health charity Mind is challenging people to run 27 miles in 27 days. Completing their online registration form automatically sets you up with your own fundraising page to collect donations. They offer a running guide to help you work towards the target. With your first donation, the charity will send a free 27 27 Mind t-shirt and 1,000 early-bird fundraisers get an exclusive pair of shoelaces. Those who raise a minimum of £27 also finish with a medal. So you’ll have plenty of goodies to motivate you on your way.


Walk all over cancer

For a slightly less strenuous challenge, but one that’s nonetheless great for your health, join Walk All Over Cancer 2021. Also taking place in March, the event involves taking 10,000 steps each day for a month. To sign up fill in your details and you’ll receive a free fundraising pack via email and your own Giving Page to raise money online.


A summer of scenic cycling

Hop on your bike this June for a breathtaking cycling voyage through the Irish countryside. From top to toe, you’ll cover 445 miles, raising funds for end-of-life charity Marie Curie to support those with terminal illnesses. You can find more information about the route and register via their website.


Put aside the pints for the great dryathlon

Another challenge that will benefit your own health as well as supporting a valuable cause, is Cancer Research UK’s dryathlon. By avoiding alcohol for one month, you can do incredible things for your fitness and help raise money for life-saving research at the same time. To sign up fill in your details via their website.


Brave the shave

Perhaps the most courageous challenge for many, MacMillan’s Brave the Shave invites fundraisers to shave their heads in solidarity with those fighting against cancer. Sign up to get your online fundraising page, choose the date you dare to lose your hair on and invite all your friends and family to witness the transformation.


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