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Top 5 volunteering opportunities to tackle Covid-19

Words by Smiley Team

Until enough people are vaccinated, we will remain in a global pandemic. But the positive news is that there are many opportunities for you to help speed up the process while keeping the infection rate as low as possible. If you have time available to volunteer, you might consider supporting one of the following causes.


Become a voluntary vaccinator

One of the best ways you can help at this point in the pandemic is to join the teams of volunteers delivering the vaccination across the country. St John Ambulance is offering training to give people these vital jabs and care for others throughout the process. Your offer of help could reduce pressure on NHS workers and help speed the roll-out of the vaccine.


Guide people to vaccination centres

Via the NHS, you can volunteer as a steward to guide people through the vaccination centres. The role involves helping visitors to check-in as well as ensuring everything runs smoothly and that people stick to social distancing measures. This role requires a DBS check and for you to declare any unspent convictions. 


Support your community

There are various opportunities to help people who are isolating by delivering shopping, medication and other essential supplies. The NHS offers a standard voluntary role, helping members of the community, as well as a role supporting significantly vulnerable people, which requires a DBS check.


Join a voluntary transport team 

You can also help lessen the burden on the NHS by transporting patients or equipment and medication. The first option requires a DBS check and involves making non-emergency journeys, picking up patients after they’ve been discharged or dropping people off for medical appointments. The second option involves transporting vital supplies between NHS sites and doesn’t require a DBS check.


Chat to isolated people

In the first few weeks of the pandemic, a Mental Health Foundation survey suggested that nearly a quarter of the population was feeling lonely and isolated compared to previous weeks. Combat this and brighten someone’s day by getting on the phone to make them feel less isolated. You can find opportunities to chat with people via the NHS as well as through Coronavirus Community Volunteering, which offers a broad range of volunteering opportunities internationally.

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