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Top UK philanthropist funds ‘kiltwalk’

Words by Smiley Team

After philanthropist Sir Tom Hunter urged Scotland to join a virtual kiltwalk, thousands signed up, raising funds that the UK’s leading philanthropist promised to boost by 50 per cent via The Hunter Foundation (THF). 

Donning kilts for Covid-19-struck charities across Scotland, fundraisers collected a staggering £4.1 million, which rose to £6.1 million thanks to the foundation’s top-up.

Sir Tom launched the event by urging people to “take his money” and help vulnerable people. The funds raised by 11,500 Scots will go to 1,055 charities across the country. 

In a video message, he said: “At Scotland’s time of need, when the charities you care about really need you, you stepped up and there is not a prouder Scotsman on the planet this morning. From the bottom of my heart, to all of you, thank you for your Kiltwalk Kindness.”

Across the weekend, tartan-wearing participants walked, ran and even danced to fundraise for the cash-strapped charities.

When the deadline passed at midnight on 4th April, the fundraising total was announced, promising millions of pounds to go out to the fundraisers’ pick of charities over the ensuing days. 

Support for Scottish charities

Among the charities to benefit is Keirans Legacy, an organisation founded by Sandra McKandie after her son, Keiran, lost his life in a tragic accident, to distribute life-saving equipment, educate people and provide safe recreational facilities.

Sandra explained: “The first response team who arrived on scene didn’t have the equipment they needed to save Keiran and that’s why we set up Keiran’s Legacy, to ensure this never happens again to another family. 

“Our 23 walkers that took part in Kiltwalk have raised £10,166 to date and with the top up of £5,083 from The Hunter Foundation, that means a total of £15,249 will go towards providing lifesaving equipment and training across communities in Scotland,” she said. “It will also supply schools with equipment to encourage biking and other outdoor activities. Something Keiran was so passionate about.”

Their sponsor Royal Bank of Scotland supported a live show shared across Kiltwalk social media channels and yesterday, organisers announced the winners of two hybrid Hyundai i20 cars and four electric bikes, provided by the event’s sponsor Arnold Clark.

Kilts for a kinder society

Mobilising thousands of Scots each year, Kiltwalks are mass walking events to fundraise for Scottish charitable organisations and initiatives. All across the country, in Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh, participants take part to support disadvantaged people.

They started over 10 years ago by a group who turned to the Hunter Foundation in 2015 for financial support because they were struggling to cover the organising costs.

Kiltwalkers get to choose the charities they support and, each year, Sir Tom Hunter and THF top up all funds raised by 50 per cent.

Kiltwalk’s best year to date was 2019, when 25, 417 walkers raised £5 million, topped up to a total of £7million and distributed to 1,302 charities around Scotland.

Last year, due to the pandemic, events in Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh, moved online and raised £5 million for 900 charities. But they quickly turned this around this year, raising £6.1 million.

In five years the kiltwalk has raised £26 million for over 2,000 charities.

For further information about the Kiltwalk visit


A foundation for good

Described in 2007 as “Scotland’s first home-grown billionaire”, Sir Tom is an entrepreneur and philanthropist who started out selling trainers from the back of a van because, as he put it himself, he was “unemployable”

Into the early 21st century his fortunes grew, leading him to purchase a range of sports companies and property portfolios.

Kindness is a Hunter family tradition, with Sir Tom's dad, Campbell Hunter, saying that "The definition of kindness is helping someone you'll never meet."

In 1998 Sir Tom put these words into action, setting up THF with his wife, to further venture philanthropy, promoting better education and eradicating poverty. Since its creation, the foundation has invested over £55 million in supporting those in need.

For more information about THF visit

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