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You can now get climate tips through WhatsApp

Words by Smiley Team

In light of worsening climate impacts around the world, the United Nations ActNow campaign has collaborated with Whatsapp to engage people through an automated messaging service that provides tips to shift to more sustainable lifestyles. 

“We want to empower people to make climate action an integral part of their daily life and be part of the solution to the climate crisis,” said Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications.

“The collaboration with WhatsApp allows us to reach people directly and inspire them to be changemakers.”

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How does it work?

The new messaging service, built by, offers information on 10 actions people can take to make a difference – from switching to a green energy provider, to eating more plant-rich meals, biking instead of driving, saving energy at home, and reusing and repairing clothes.

Users can select an action, learn more about it, share it with friends, and log their action.

The UN’s ActNow campaign, has already seen over 6 million individual climate actions logged through the campaign’s mobile app and messaging functions on Facebook and Instagram.

"To tackle the climate crisis, wide-ranging steps needs to be taken first and foremost by governments and businesses," they say, "but the transition to a low-carbon world also requires the participation of citizens, especially in advanced economies. Around two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions are linked to private households, when using consumption-based accounting." 

According to the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, shifting consumption patterns, towards cleaner forms of transport or more plant-based foods for example, could cut global greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 40-70% by 2050.

The UN Climate Action messaging service on WhatsApp is available in English only for now, with more languages to be launched over the coming months.

Inspired to act?

USE THE SERVICE: To use the service, simply save the number +1 212 738 9268 to your phone contacts and then text the word “hi” in a WhatsApp message to get started. Or just click this link.

GET INVOLVED: Find out what the UN is doing to push for a happier, healthier and more equal world. Visit

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