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Vibrating dance suits for people with impaired hearing

Words by Abi Scaife

Vibrating dance suits have been designed so deaf people can enjoy live music.

Awesome! What’s the story?

The suits are designed by Music: Not Impossible, which is an offshoot of Not Impossible Labs, a company that designs technology to help address social issues.

Their brand-new haptic dance suits transmit vibrations curated by a haptics DJ - vibrations that compliment the music that is being played.

What’s it like?

The suits transmit all sorts of different vibrations, at different levels and patterns, making it an incredibly immersive experience - and helping to make live music accessible for everyone.

Charity check-in 

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article.

RNID. This is a national hearing loss charity that aims to make life fully inclusive for deaf people and those with hearing loss or tinnitus. Find out more here.

British Deaf Association. The BDA is the UK's leading membership organisation and registered charity led by Deaf people, for Deaf people. Support them here.

Sign Health. A deaf health charity, improving Deaf people's health and wellbeing including mental health challenges, domestic abuse, and more. Learn more here.

This article aligns with the UN SDG Reduced Inequalities.

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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