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VR tech helps seniors cope with isolation

Words by Smiley Team

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the introduction of extraordinary social separation tactics, critical to restricting the virus's transmission.

Sadly, in the US alone, figures suggest more than eight million older adults are plagued by social isolation because of this. This can lead to mental health difficulties such as the early onset of Alzheimer's disease. 

To solve the issue, companies are using virtual reality technology to connect older people with the rest of the world. Introducing: MyndVR and AARP Innovation Labs' project the Alcove.

MyndVR has a headset specifically designed for older folks who are unfamiliar with virtual reality technologies. The system also contains a tablet, which allows a second participant to join in on an experience. There are more than 200 virtual reality experiences offered by the firm.

Seniors with dementia may benefit greatly from the use of these movies for engagement and recollection therapy.

"We have to find additional ways to keep them thrilled and engaged as their stimulation reduces due to aging and disease," MyndVR CEO Chris Brickler tells CNET News.

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AARP Innovation Labs has funded a product called Alcove, which uses virtual reality to link elders with their families.

The program lets elders communicate, watch videos, and play games with up to four loved ones in a virtual world. The app is compatible with Facebook's Oculus Go, a mobile VR device.

AARP stated in January 2022 that VR was gaining traction among senior living communities – even before the coronavirus outbreak – as a means of keeping residents engaged and preventing social isolation. Its head of virtual reality, Cezara Windrem, says VR might be a method to connect younger and older generations.

Being isolated is "one of the most serious difficulties in people's older years," according to the company's survey.

AARP Innovation Labs' head of virtual reality, Cezara Windrem, says: "We know how much the younger generations are drawn to this new technology. When younger family members discover a new way to communicate with their elders and share their enthusiasm for video games with them, it's a beautiful thing.”

You can find out more about Alcove Virtual Reality and MyndVR online. Or, watch videos of seniors using technology to connect Facebook.

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