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Woodland desks take work to the woods

Words by Smiley Team

In Finland, remote workers can now work from forests. Lahti, the European Green Capital 2021, wants to encourage its residents to enjoy the calming effect of nature, so set up remote workstations in the city's nature sites free for everyone to use. 

The Viita-workstations have been made in collaboration by a Finnish design company Upwood and creative agency TBWA Helsinki, and a team of students from LAB Institute of Design and Fine Arts has been involved in the process.    

Nature was strongly present throughout the design process of the Viita workstations. The workstations are unique in terms of usability, and differ from traditional camping tables due to their functions that are specifically designed for remote working. They include a telephone and a cup holder, an area for a laptop, a place to put pens and a possibility to hang a bag or purse.  

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“The designing process started by thinking about the shapes, textures and elements that can be found in nature. They combine the roundness of trees and breathing nature, helping the workstations to blend into surrounding nature. The design of workstations guarantees a sense of privacy, but also a connection with surrounding nature while working”, says Umberto Onza, an industrial designer from TBWA Helsinki, who led the designing process.  

The ways of working are changing at a rapid pace, and that is why Lahti wants to take into account the needs of remote workers.   

“In addition to taking into account the changes that are happening in working life, we wanted to highlight local designers and production. The result is unique and very high quality” says Saara Piispanen from Lahti – the European Green Capital 2021 project.    

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Viita workstations are made of Finnish spruce, which is durable material for outdoor use. The use of spruce has a long history in Finland, and as a material it represents the Finnish forest at its best. The workstations are attached to trees so that no harm is done to the trees after installation and removal.   

Viita workstations will be in use for the first time this autumn as a part of the Green Capital Year. Lahti also encourages other actors to set up workstations and shares the drawings for open use.   


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