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The support group reducing energy bills for single parents

Words by Smiley Team

As winter approaches, one organisation is working to help single parent families manage their energy costs. 

Fiona Small founded the Young Mum’s Support Network in 2011. She lives in London, and is a single parent herself to two children, as well as an author. When she had her first child, the challenges of being a single parent became obvious. So after the London riots, she set up her organisation.

“I just had to do something positive, so I dedicated myself to creating radical change in my community and I established the First CRG (Customer Representative Group) in the borough of Southwark," she tells Smiley News. 

“Before I launched the Young Mums Support Network, I enrolled on a business start-up course. This experience gave me the skills to develop detailed educational programmes and ultimately grow the organisation carefully and successfully.”

Fiona wants to reach young mums nationwide, and has collaborated with wider agencies, including The Trussell Trust, Transport for London, FareShare, as well as FTSE 100 corporations including Tesco and local London Authorities. In addition to programmes, they provide a range of support services, from family mediation to training and qualifications and childcare support.

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“Helping mothers is close to my heart, and I regularly and actively speak on issues such as exploitation and child sex abuse and grooming,” she says.  

Sadly, young, single parents have been severely affected by the recent energy crisis. “As we are in the process of transitioning out of the pandemic, people are still spending more time at home, which means that we are consuming more energy," says Fiona. "With rising energy prices, this has caused big problems. As we head into the winter months, it’s going to get worse. 

“The reality is, some single parents cannot afford to heat their homes. As a young, single parent household, budgets are already stretched. There is still a lack of support, which is why we are dedicated to doing something about it.” 

The Mums & Money programme is in partnership with Income Max, and funded by The British Gas Energy Trust. It provides advice for young mothers on how they can reduce their water and energy bills, and ensure they are receiving the right benefits that they are entitled to. 

“The reality is, we all need help at some point, and the Mums & Money programme is ensuring that the mums we serve are given the right help," adds Fiona. 

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"We also have a programme with UK Power Network on the Priority Service Register," she says. "This ensures that young mothers are able to access support and advice, and that they are a priority in the event of power cut.”

Young mums often feel seen but not heard, and are frequently stereotyped. But the Young Mums Support Network is solution-focused, and provides help where it is needed most, with care and respect. 

“We can also offer things like support with children, if your children go to the same school," adds Fiona. "Helping with food shopping deliveries, and remembering young mums in day to day life. If we all befriend and support one young single mother, it will make a huge difference.” 

You can find out more about the Young Mums Support Network on its website. Taking action and donating will help more single mothers get through challenging times. 

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