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A mission to inspire budding conservationists

Words by Smiley Team

Encouraging budding young environmentalists, the Marine Conservation Society is creating its Youth Ocean Network – a group who will help them move their mission forward in an inclusive and diverse way.

The charity is looking for 13- to 25-year-olds who live both near the coast and inland, to make up part of a team of like-minded young people who will communicate with the charity on a regular basis. 

These young people will participate in surveys and meetings, help direct their youth engagement strategy, and be involved in every part of their organisation. 

Katie Macfarlane, youth engagement officer at the Marine Conservation Society tells Smiley News the charity hopes to embed youth voices across the organisation and be as inclusive as possible.

“Not only are they the future generations who are going to be the most impacted by climate change and environmental changes, but they are part of the current generation – they are witnessing the impact humans are having on the planet and want to make a difference,” she says. 

“Young people across the world are speaking up and demanding action for our environment. It’s an exciting, positive time to get involved in our work, and we can’t wait to meet our new youth consultants.”

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Katie says by joining the network, young people will be helping them work towards their aim of fighting for the health of our ocean through people-powered action. “We want young people to play a big part in our future planning,” she says.

The network is a chance for like-minded young people to meet and engage!. “Young people will also have the opportunity in the long run to get involved in our wider work of community engagement, education, and citizen science,” she adds.

Inspired to act?

APPLY: If you're interested to become part of the youth network, fill in the form on the charity's website, or contact Katie at [email protected].

GET INVOLVED: The Marine Conservation Society is running a free event – a LGBTQIA+ clothes swap and beach clean for 16-25s – on 26 February. Book tickets here

DONATE: You can also join or donate to the Marine Conservation Society, a charity doing important work to look after our oceans. 

WATCH: Watch our Smiley Talk where we discussed how best to look after our oceans. 

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