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These 6 influencers live zero waste lifestyles

Words by Smiley Team

Using social media as a tool for good, eco-conscious influencers are building space in the digital world for sustainability at home.

From refills to compost bins and from the beautiful to the ugly, zero waste lifestyles can take many forms. But however you do it, cutting down how much you chuck away is always beneficial. Here are some of the top influencers demonstrating how it’s done.

Dominique Drakeford

Amplifying the voices of women of colour, Dominique Drakeford reclaims zero waste lifestyles for those who originally created that space, namely indigenous and BAME people. To make her life “zero waste-ish”, she pays particular attention to reducing her environmental impact through upcycled and repurposed clothing.

Discover her tips via @dominiquedrakeford

Bea Johnson

Described as “the mother of zero waste lifestyle” by CNN, Bea Johnson is an inspiration when it comes to sustainability. She is understood to have pioneered the “trash jar”, a pint-sized replacement for a household’s traditional rubbish bin. She tours the world promoting zero waste, has won awards for her work and wrote a bestselling book.

Discover her tips via @zerowastehome  

[Read more: Beauty brand turns waste coffee into skincare]

Kathryn Kellogg

Another celebrity of the zero waste world, Kathryn Kellogg spreads zero waste tips through her beautifully created Instagram account. As an author and speaker, she shares advice via her social media platforms as well as her free e-course and book club for eco-friendly literature.

Discover her tips via

Anne-Marie Bonneau

The go-to influencer for zero waste cooking is chef and cookbook author Anne-Marie Bonneau. Besides a huge range of tantalising vegan and vegetarian recipes, she shares tips for reducing kitchen waste and composting effectively.

Discover her tips via @zerowastechef

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Gittemary Johnson

In 2015, Gittemary Johnson ditched her consumerist lifestyle for zero waste habits and optimum sustainability. She posts a huge variety of content, exposing which products are genuinely eco-friendly or not, sharing her personal experiences and explaining the essentials of zero waste living.

Discover her tips via @gittemary

Sustainably Vegan

Creator of the YouTube Sustainably Vegan, Immy, offers a wealth of information about zero waste living as well as how to go plant-based and live more ethically. Besides her top tips for swapping wasteful products with zero waste alternatives, she also shares mistakes that everyone should avoid. 

Discover her tips via @sustainablyvegan

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