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Crisis welcomes government protection for homeless people in lockdown

Words by Smiley Team

As the weather gets colder over the upcoming weeks, rough sleepers face increasing risks to their health. At the end of last week, the charity, Crisis welcomed a government announcement that they would offer new funding and redouble efforts to accommodate those without shelter.

The communities secretary, Robert Jenrick, announced additional support to help protect renters and people sleeping rough from the effects of the pandemic, on Friday. This came as England entered its third national lockdown earlier in the week.

As part of this move, they promised an additional £10 million in funding to go towards councils, with instructions to heighten efforts to help accommodate locals sleeping rough and to assist them in registering with a GP in order to access the Covid-19 vaccine. 

Renters can also celebrate after Jenrick said they would also extend the ban on evictions until at least 21st February “for all but the most egregious cases”.


A cause for celebration

Reacting to these measures, Jon Sparkes, chief executive of Crisis, said: “These renewed efforts to protect people who are homeless in the pandemic will save lives.”

He added: “It was truly a landmark moment when, back in March 2020, everyone on the streets was offered somewhere safe to stay. It’s as important, if not more so, that today we see government leadership protect all those sleeping rough. The highly infectious new strain of coronavirus alongside the cold weather makes this the most dangerous moment of the pandemic for those without a home.

“What is very welcome here is the two-pronged approach - a continued commitment to getting everyone into safe accommodation but also now making sure people are registered with a GP so they can quickly access the vaccines. We know through our services that people facing homelessness often are not registered with a doctor’s surgery.”


Helping the homeless

Crisis conducts research, campaigns and works with landlords to help homeless people find rented accommodation. They then educate these newly-housed people to help them rent successfully.

Those wishing to help ensure people are kept off the streets as the weather turns colder can visit their donations page. By giving a little you could help provide essential support, food and a place to stay for those sleeping rough.

Some volunteering is still permitted despite lockdown. For further information visit their website.

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