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Dad saves the day as Santa

Words by Smiley Team

A dad has saved the day at his daughter’s nursery after they were stuck without a Santa Claus for their Christmas party. 

In desperation, nursery staff started desperately ringing round dads, to no avail, until they rang Nate Crowley - who agreed to do his very best to bring the Christmas spirit. 

“So the drill was, that the kids would enter the grotto, I’d give them a gift and then have a little chat about the North Pole. All very sweet - but the snag was that I had to meet my daughter like this, without her recognising me," he wrote on Twitter

“My solution? I just pulled my hat low, my beard high, and did a booming, flawless impression of Ian McKellen. ‘Thalassa!, I bellowed cheerily. “What a splendid name. Come and see what I have brought you from my arctic manufacturer.”

Nate was moved by how brave his little girl was, and relieved that she had no idea that her dad was Santa. Her eyes were wide open in shock. 

(Read more about gifting children with visual impairments letters from Santa)

Nate dressed up in the full Santa Claus outfit, accompanied by two costumed nursery staff dressed beside him, dressed as elves. 

At the time, he said: “Tell me, young woman, what you would have my gift-forges produce for you this winter? What do you want for Christmas?”

His daughter unknowingly replied to her dad: “I want…a scary sheep, a mirror…and an egg.” 

Santa gave an abrupt nod, and replied: “Wise choices. Your mum and dad must be very proud of you.”

He then handed her a book, and Thalassa thanked Santa Claus and ran off with a huge smile on her face, still oblivious to the deception.

(Read more about how you can help Olio spread some Christmas cheer this year

Nate said: “I had to take a few seconds before the next meeting.”

Later that evening, Thalassa told her dad about her day over dinner, and showed him the book. He asked what she thought of Santa, and she said: “He’s nice. I was a bit angry with him though cos I was having some grapes when he came to visit, and I had to stop.” 

In response to Nate’s story, one person said: “This was such a nice story! I'm glad you've got photos for when you can do the big reveal in future.” 

And later on, the nursery staff sent through photos, including the moment when Thalassa demanded a Scary Sheep, mirror and egg - because it’s not every day that your dad is Santa Claus, after all. 

What we really love about this story is the act of kindness the dad showed – the festive cheer really does come out at Christmas. 

You can see Nate’s pictures that he shared on Twitter

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