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France trades cars for e-bikes

Words by Smiley Team

France has upped the ante for citizens hoping to trade cars in for electric bikes.

Electric bikes are a greener alternative to fossil fuel-powered transport and a more accessible alternative to traditional push bikes. They're becoming increasingly popular for commuters across Europe, with help from similar schemes in countries such as the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany.

With trade in prices going as high as €4,000, this update to a scheme from 2018 is meant to encourage people to invest in greener transport, as well as a more active lifestyle.

Applications can now be made by every member in a household, enabling everyone to purchase an electric bike with the generous subsidy. 

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Previously, you could only access one bike per household, but under new legislation these bikes will be available for every member of a qualifying household.

Under these updated rules, the maximum €4,000 grant will be available for low-income households in low-emission urban zones. That isn’t to say no one else gets cash – but lower-income households will qualify for a higher trade in price.

Factors that will determine the amount of direct subsidy include household income and family size.

It is hoped that, with help from this scheme, more of the country will choose to switch over to this greener mode of transportation. The government has set a goal of having 9% of their population using electric bikes by 2024.

There might still be a long way to go, but this is a monumental step towards a greener future.

Inspired to act?

GET INVOLVED: check how you could get funding for an electric bike on the Cycling For All website.


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