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Google Maps introduces eco-friendly routing

Words by Smiley Team

When the team at Google Maps saw that 98% more people started cycling over the past year, they knew eco-friendly transport was on the rise. To accelerate this positive change, they decided to launch a new map feature that would help travellers plan low-impact journeys.

Since announcing the idea in early 2021, they've introduced new Google Maps options allowing users to view the most fuel-efficient routes for cars. The updates also include easier navigation for cyclists and more detailed information about hire bikes and scooters. The new features are already available in the US and will spread to Europe and elsewhere in 2022.

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This is a vital step for the planet, said Jeff Gonder of the Center for Integrated Mobility Sciences at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). 

"Not only does Google Maps' eco-friendly routing bring NREL’s fuel-efficient technology from the lab to the road, but it has huge potential to significantly lower emissions and save drivers money on gas — something that’s good for both people and the planet," he said. 

Vehicles on the road account for 75% of CO2 emissions from transport and Google’s new map could turn this around. The company estimates that map features have the potential to cut carbon emissions by one million tons a year – the equivalent of taking 200,000 cars off the road.

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For cyclists, the map will make travelling easier by clearly showing important landmarks along their routes and other important details without having to keep their screens on. 

It has also improved information on hire bikes and scooters, allowing travellers to check how many vehicles are available at nearby stations.

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