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6 Organisations that provide aid for hate crimes and abuse

Words by Cheyanne Bryan

Across the UK, we are bearing witness to extremist riots fuelled by disinformation, deep-rooted racism and xenophobia.

While some institutions are stepping in to protect communities, businesses and residents, we want to provide a resource that could be useful in moments similar to this one.

Hate crimes are targeted acts against someone due to personal characteristics, such as their physical appearance or association to a certain social group, this behaviour can be reported to the police but we would also like to highlight some charities and organisations that can provide support to those affected by hate and derogatory behaviour.

Stop Hate UK

Stop Hate UK is a leading charity in working to challenge hate crimes and discrimination based on any aspect of someone's identity. They provide a 24hr reporting service after establishing as a direct response to the murder of Stephen Lawrence. Today, they decided to continue to deliver advocacy and support on a local and national level.

They have also developed an app to combat street harassment which provides an independent and confidential report and support service. Find out more about the app, Start Safe Stay Safe here.

True Vision

True Vision, a National Police Chiefs' Council-funded website that compiles information and resources to specific hate crime groups. The site extensively covers guidance for users that want to report hate crimes, resources also include statistics, personal safety tips and a special section about terrorist activity.

Victim Support

Supporting people affected by crime and traumatic events, Victim Support is an independent charity that works across England and Wales. They offer free specialist services to help people with the aftermath of crime, regardless of if the crime has been reported to the police. Their services are run by skilled staff and volunteers who work within communities and are happy to cater to people that speak another language too.

Stand Up To Racism

As a prominent campaign group, Stand Up To Racism advocates for a society without racism, fascism, Islamophobia & antisemitism. With multiple divisions across the country, they provide solidarity and campaigning opportunities to those that believe in their core values. If you want to join in with their campaign to make a difference in your local community and nationally, this group offers that.


As a young people-focused charity, StreetDoctors empowers young people to be at the centre of emergency first-aid provision to become part of the solution to violence. As possession of and harm done by weapons (knives and sharp objects) continue to rise in the UK: official statistics report that knife-enabled crime increased 6% in a year, and knife-enabled threats-to-kill increased by 22% (compared with 2020). StreetDoctors’ work is actioned by first aid training provided through community groups, schools and sports teams by trained healthcare professionals with hopes to increase understanding of the medical and psychological consequences of violence.

Helping Households Under Great Stress (HHUGS)

As a UK charity, HHUGS aims to offer financial, emotional, and practical assistance and guidance to Muslim families affected by counter-terrorism, national security, and extremism-related legislation, policies, and protocols, both in the UK and internationally. Tailoring each of their services to the needs of the family which include: restoring confidence and self esteem, strengthening relationships and increasing knowledge of the criminal justice system.

Charity check-in

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article.

Samaritans. This charity aims to provide emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope or at risk of suicide throughout the UK and Ireland Find out more.

Galop. This charity supports LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence of any kind with access to support and services. Learn more here.

Stand Against Racism & Inequality (SARI). This is a hate crime specific charity that provides free and confidential support for anyone who is a victim of a hate crime. Support them here.

This article aligns with the UN SDG Good Health And Wellbeing, Reduced Inequalities.

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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