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A helpful plant for healthy sleep

Words by Cheyanne Bryan

Getting a good night’s sleep has amazing advantages on one’s productivity, mood and overall well being. 

By influence of The Sleep Charity, September is Sleeptember, a month-long campaign to promote the benefits of a good night's sleep. There are many lists out there with tips to improve sleep, but from one nocturnal bestie to another, here is an alternative that you may not have thought about. 

A plant. 

Known to deliver multiple benefits in a beautiful, green package, the Peace Lily is perfect for anyone from seasoned plant parents to someone just beginning their plant journey. 

Founder of Beards & Daisies and author of the houseplant guide 'The Unkillables', Jo sheds light on the health and slumber-related benefits from this one single plant, the Peace Lily: 

Air Purification: Peace Lilies effectively filter harmful toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, ammonia, and xylene, commonly found in household products. By reducing these pollutants, they enhance indoor air quality, making it easier to breathe and alleviating symptoms like headaches and respiratory issues.

Humidity Regulation: Through transpiration, Peace Lilies release moisture into the air, increasing humidity levels, which is especially beneficial in dry environments or during winter.

Sleep Improvement: By improving air quality and humidity, Peace Lilies may contribute to optimising your sleep environment and better sleep quality, making them a beneficial addition to bedrooms.

Aesthetic Appeal: With their glossy dark green leaves and elegant white blooms, Peace Lilies add a personal touch to any sleep space. They can bloom indoors year-round, enhancing home and office décor.

Symbolism: Often associated with peace, purity, and healing, Peace Lilies are popular gifts as symbols of tranquillity in the home.

Mould Reduction: By absorbing excess moisture, Peace Lilies help reduce mould spores in the air, preventing growth in damp areas like bathrooms.

Mental Well-being: The presence of Peace Lilies can boost mood, reduce stress, and enhance feelings of well-being. Caring for them can also be a therapeutic activity.

For more information on the Peace Lily and other plants to grow your indoor garden, here:

Charity check-in

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article. 

The Sleep Charity. This charity provides advice and support to empower the nation to sleep better. By hosting campaigns such as Sleeptemberm they aim to improve sleep with access to high quality information. Learn more here.

The British Sleep Society (BSS). This charity aids medical, scientific and healthcare workers dealing with sleeping disorders, with an aim to improve public health by promoting education and research. Find out more here.

Sleep Action. This is the UK’s oldest sleep charity, formerly known as Sleep Scotland. They provide leading research, training and advice into sleep related issues. Support them here.

This article aligns with the UN SDG Good Health And Wellbeing.

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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