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Lucinda Light's best emotional wellbeing quotes on MAFS

Words by Abi Scaife

Let’s be honest, if you could wrap up Smiley News into a person, you’d probably come out with something pretty close to Lucinda Light.

Described on her website as ‘a polymath creative of many hats and colours’, Lucinda captured everyone’s hearts when she debuted on Married at First Sight Australia.

Lucinda married Timothy and, though it didn’t work out for the couple romantically, the emotional maturity and their beautiful friendship is something that will stay with us for a long time.

This month, Lucinda will be embarking on her UK tour, where she will be talking about emotional wellness, taking the audience through some grounding exercises, and sharing what she learned about emotional well-being during her time on MAFS Australia.

In honour of her visiting the UK, Smiley News put together some of our favourite Lucinda quotes from her time on MAFS Australia, and what they mean for emotional wellbeing!

I’m a sister. I’m a daughter. I’m a creatrix.

We love that Lucinda is a woman who wholeheartedly supports other women. She is a sister and a daughter, and embraces her place in the world and in her communities. We love that she prioritises and acknowledges her creativity, too!

I’m defining what I want in life and it’s very different to this.

One of the hardest things about emotional wellness is setting your own boundaries, and making decisions about the levels of love and positivity and respect that you deserve in your life. When Lucinda realised that the relationship was no longer working, that it was no longer serving herself or her partner, she made those changes. It’s an amazing reminder that only by giving yourself the love you truly deserve, and protecting yourself, that you can go on to give that back to others.

I’m a servant, a steward of love and light. I’m here to nurture and to dazzle.

She certainly is! Lucinda’s brilliant glow brought a ton of light to Married at First Sight, even when things went wrong and the tea felt almost too hot to handle. Her loving embrace and openness was the glue that held the cast together, and was a service to so many of her castmates in the most difficult of times.

I just felt such an impulse to give love.

At Smiley News we love love - and so does Lucinda! Does it surprise anyone that she also works as a celebrant, helping couples to start their married lives in love and light? Giving love is such a core value for charity and positive change (because, really, you can’t give back without love). It’s always incredible to watch how brilliantly Lucinda gives out this gorgeous love and light, to uplift and support even the strangers around her.

Did we miss out on your favourite Lucinda quote? Let us know which one!

If you want to see Lucinda’s brilliant light in person, you can join her by purchasing tickets to her UK tour at this link.

Charity check-in

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article.

Refuge. This charity runs life-saving services including a 24/7 Helpline and 44 refuges, for women and their children affected by domestic abuse. Support them here.

We Are With You. This charity offers free, confidential support to people in England and Scotland who have issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health. Support them here.

Ripple Suicide Prevention. R;pple exists to ensure immediate mental health support is presented to individuals following a harmful online search. Learn more here.

This article aligns with the UN SDGs Good Health and Wellbeing and Partnerships for the Goals.

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This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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