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National Lottery funding helps Transition communities thrive

Words by Smiley Team

A network of grassroots communities working for the planet and people, the Transition Network has become all the more vital now that we face the combined threat of a global pandemic, economic crises and the climate emergency. This is why it comes as such good news that National Lottery funding of £140,000 has gone to 112 projects run by groups across England as part of the network’s Bounce Forward initiative.

Projects that will benefit include community gardens, transport schemes, solar power projects, local economies, community hubs, food distribution and more. They are spread across rural and urban areas, from Manchester to Dorchester, and from Liverpool to south London.

After selecting the projects, Transition Network member Mike Thomas wrote: “We were overwhelmed with hundreds of brilliant projects and ideas and it was a real honour assessing all 200 plus applications we received for both the micro-grants and full grants. We are really happy to be able to give support to 112 of these applications.”

He added: “In these difficult times we’re delighted to be able to share a moment of celebration. These grants will enable a large number of Transition groups to stay afloat and launch new projects in response to the impacts of Covid-19.”

In support of radical change

Founded in 2007, the Transition Network is a charity set up to support a growing number of self-sufficient communities inspired by Transition Town Totnes. This first project in South Devon helps strengthen the town’s local economy, reduce its carbon footprint, and build resilience against the social and ecological collapse to come.

To support this incredible cause, you can contribute via the Transition Network’s donation page. For those interested in starting their own Transition project, their website offers a wealth of resources, events and information to help.

Next month they will bring together hundreds of community activists at their What Next? Summit from 3rd to 20th of March, 2021. The event will offer a networking space to empower and inspire others with ideas, experiences and advice. For more information visit the event page.

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