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This app combats youth unemployment

Words by Smiley Team

In the midst of the pandemic, many young people out of work may be asking themselves if there’s any hope of finding a job at all. Businesses are closing, bankruptcy cases are rolling in, and young people are having to work harder than ever to compete for scarce opportunities.

But there's hope. Joining forces to give them a chance of succeeding, three charities have launched a free app called Youth Card, which brings together resources and work experience placements for 11- to 25-year-olds. 

Speakers for Schools, UK Youth and Young Enterprise pooled all their youth services into the app, to include training opportunities, advice from sector leaders and access to more than 7,000 youth organisations. 

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Major employers have come forward to offer work experience via the app. These include Spotify, Google, Virgin Atlantic, M&C Saatchi, L'Oréal, PwC, NHS, British Airways, National History Museum, BBC, Marie Curie, and the National Portrait Gallery.

“Perhaps the biggest post Covid-19 challenge is to re-energise young people, help them develop relevant skills, direct them towards fulfilling employment," said founder of Speakers for Schools and political editor at ITV Robert Peston. "Youth Card is a potentially important contribution."

How youths are struggling at this time

The charities are right to highlight the barriers facing young people in the UK right now –many of them have major concerns about finding a job and the impact on their mental health after the economic fallout from the pandemic, according to research from the IFS and Resolution Foundation.

Sharing these sentiments, Minister for Civil Society and Youth Baroness Barran said: “The last 18 months have been difficult for all of us, but we know that young people have found it hard to access the continued support they need to learn and grow.

"It is wonderful to see three of our leading youth charities coming together to launch the Youth Card which opens up a whole new world of real opportunity, helping our young people get back on track and accessing the career guidance and support they need to succeed.”

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Overcoming obstacles to work experience

To give young people a vital boost, Youth Card opens up opportunities while tackling social and economic inequalities.

CEO of UK Youth Ndidi Okezie explained: “It’s time to meet young people exactly where they are, by placing a diverse range of opportunities, support, and activities into their hands. 

“That equity of quality provision is the promise of Youth Card and that is why we are delighted to be partnering with Speakers for Schools and Young Enterprise on this game changing digital initiative.”

Download the Youth Card app and browse opportunities for young people in the UK from the App Store or Google Play.

Find out more about the app here.

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