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Sending anonymous compliments - meet Morale Boost

Words by Abi Scaife

Ever wished you could give someone a compliment without having to stand there and take credit for it?

For those who get flustered easily, there is a solution - Morale.

Morale is a website and app that allows you to send anonymous compliments to the people you care about, making it easier than ever to deliver a little bit of love. Smiley News was able to catch up with Aldwyn Boscawen, the founder of Morale, to hear a little more about how Morale works, and what drove him to create the platform.

“Before COVID I had a men's nail bar,” explains Aldwyn. “That ended up being a safe space for guys to come in and chat. Mental health has always been very high on my agenda; I've been in therapy since about 16, and I've had to proactively manage my mental fitness because I'm prone to depression.”

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Aldwyn readily admits to being the sort of person who likes to care for others - he seems to take joy and comfort in giving others a boost. That boost is what inspired Morale in the first place.

“In therapy when I was asked to do self-affirmations and gratitude lists, I found it incredibly hard. I felt that where I was able to get that boost was from doing it to other people,” Aldwyn says. “If people I knew were having doubts or insecurities I would go out of my way to tell them something nice and compliment them.”

But, as many of us know, giving out compliments isn’t always easy. It can be daunting, embarrassing, and stressful for a variety of reasons. Whether that is anxiety, shyness, or because you simply don’t know how to take that plunge, Morale makes giving compliments as easy as checking your phone.

“I realised that the action of giving a compliment can be just as uplifting as receiving one,” Aldwyn adds. “Some people give compliments and it is always very tongue in cheek, and that may be a men's thing, not being able to [say it] straight out.”

Morale Boost Screenshot Credit Morale

“I just thought, what if we made it so you could [give compliments] without fear of rejection?”

Morale has two parts - an app, and a website. Through the app, you are able to connect add your loved ones as friends and send a compliment or positive message of your own design. When using the website, compliments are sent as SMS messages, paid for by Morale, and you can choose from hundreds of prewritten compliments.

To date, users have sent over 10,000 positive messages out into the world.

“Sometimes when [compliments] come from very close friends, I can then put that down to a bias,” explains Aldwyn. “When it comes [anonymously] it doesn't allow you to deny it.”

One of the great things about Morale is how genuine the whole thing is. Aldwyn and Morale are spending money on the project without getting anything back, paying around 3p per text, because he genuinely believes it will make a difference.

Aldwyn 2023 Credit Ed Dilnott Cooper

“I believe it can be done in a way where the business can cover its own costs,” explains Aldwyn, as to his reasoning. “And then it can be used worldwide and on a greater scale to genuinely make an impact. You never know when someone might need a message like this.”

Morale is brilliant in its simplicity, and it’s mission; giving us another, easier, way to connect with those around us. 

To learn more about Morale, you can visit their website, or download their app.

Charity check-in 

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article.   

Re-Engage. This is a charity that is making life less lonely for thousands of older people every year, through volunteer-led activities. Find out more.

Campaign to End Loneliness. This charity campaigns to make sure that people most at risk of loneliness are reached and supported. Support them here.

Marmalade Trust. This is a charity dedicated to raising awareness of loneliness and helping people make new friendships. Find out more and support them here.

This article aligns with the UN SDG Good Health and Wellbeing.

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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