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Orange hearts for those seeking sanctuary

Words by Smiley Team

Communities across the UK are displaying orange hearts, as part of a Together With Refugees campaign, to support those fleeing war and persecution. 

Thousands of personal and local community pledges will be turned into huge orange hearts, displayed at iconic landmarks nationwide on set dates in October and December, as the Nationality and Borders Bill is currently being considered by MPsThe orange heart represents compassion for people fleeing war and persecution, and is inspired by the refugee nation flag, and the colours of a lifebelt. 

City of Sanctuary holds the vision that the UK will be a welcoming place of safety for all, and is proud to offer sanctuary to people fleeing violence and persecution. It is asking people to add the orange heart emoticon to their social media profile, to show support for a kinder, fairer and more effective approach to supporting people seeking sanctuary. 

(Read more about how Hootsuite is giving a voice to refugees)

Additionally, Together With Refugees is working with The Schools of Sanctuary team, so schools can participate in the UK-wide movement that believes people seeking sanctuary should be welcomed and treated with care and compassion. 

According to City of Sanctuary, the Nationality and Borders Bill ignores the reality of why people have to flee and seek sanctuary, and does not address any of the problems it claims to resolve. 

In fact, the impact of the bill is likely to be so severe that the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has taken the unusual step of strong and publicly opposing the plans, stating in its response to the consultation on them: “UNHCR is concerned that the plan, if implemented as it stands, will undermine the 1951 Convention and international protection system, not just in the UK, but globally.”

(Discover how football designs are raising funds for refugees)

Over the coming months, Together With Refugees wants the public to send a loud and clear message to the government, to offer protection to people forced to flee their homes – and reject the Bill.

At the beginning of December, there will be a countrywide reveal of orange heart displays, signifying the breadth and depth of support for refugees around the UK.

In the meantime, members of the public can organise a local 'Show Your Heart' event to coincide with the week of action from 18-24 October, or even write to their MP, asking for a meeting to discuss the Bill. 

You can find out more about the City of Sanctuary here, or the Show your Heart campaign here.  

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