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One of New York’s best known attractions helped donate over $1bn last year

Words by Abi Scaife

Everyone knows the Rockefeller Center - it’s one of the biggest tourist attractions in New York and, whether you’ve been or not, you surely recognise the name.

Their charitable arm, The Rockefeller Foundation, just released its annual Zero Gap Fund: 2023 State of the Portfolio report. In this report, the foundation revealed that they have mobilised $1.04 billion to be invested into scalable and innovative impact-driven investment solutions.

What this means is that, through their foundation, they have encouraged and assisted private investors in donating to strategies that advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

“Across its portfolio, the Zero Gap Fund invests in disruptive technologies and tech-enabled companies to address climate change, regenerative agriculture, financial inclusion and access to essential services,” said Maria Kozloski, Senior Vice President, of Innovative Finance, The Rockefeller Foundation. “The Fund channels impact-focused market opportunities to mainstream investors, reducing traditional market barriers to mobilize private capital at scale,”

“As the Zero Gap Fund’s portfolio matures and climate change worsens, we are seeing proof of concept for solutions and strategies that are critical to deliver positive impact to at-risk people, communities, and ecosystems.”

It’s pretty awesome seeing such a staple of New York culture involving itself in making the world a better place!

To learn more about the Rockefeller Foundation, and the kinds of investments they assist with, you can visit their website.

Charity check-in

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article.

The Fore. This charity is transforming lives and society by turbo-charging exceptional small charities and social enterprises. Support them here.

The Brother’s Trust. This charity is run by Tom Holland’s family, aiming to shine a light on charities where generous donations can be used to maximum effect. Find out more.

The Henry Smith Charity. This is a grant-giving charity that aims to use its resources to help people and communities in the UK. Learn more here.

This article aligns with the UN SDGs Decent Work and Economic Growth and Partnerships for the Goals.

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This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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