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This non-profit Royal Dutch Mint supports food banks

Words by Smiley Team

A coin that donates food to people in need – now that’s something you don’t hear every day. 

The Royal Dutch Mint has designed an exclusive coin in collaboration with Smiley Movement, marking the Smiley Company's 50th anniversary. 

For every one sold, the Royal Dutch Mint will donate a food box to the Foodbank Amsterdam at Christmas – a non-profit product of the Royal Dutch Mint. 

[Find more inspirational stories about people giving back on the Smiley News homepage]

In Amsterdam, 4,200 people depend on the foodbank – and, including the surrounding region, this adds up to 12,000 people. The goal of the coin collaboration is to provide all people in the region with a food box at Christmas. 

To mark the launch on World Food Day, ambassador Olcay Gulsen received the first coin at one of the food bank locations in Amsterdam.

A coin card that gives back

On the coin, you can see the 50th anniversary logo of The Smiley Company with the slogan: Take The Time To Smile! 

On the reverse is a hand holding the logo of the Foodbank Amsterdam. Against a background of Smileys, the hand reaches for another hand. This symbolises the food box that is donated. The medal is packed in a coin card with the original SmileyⓇ on it. 

Giving to people in need

The Foodbank Amsterdam, in line with Foodbank Netherlands, aims to provide food to people who – temporarily – can’t do so on their own. 

Every week, it provides 1,900 families, consisting of 4,200 people, with a food box, spread over 12 distribution points in Amsterdam. The Foodbank's core values ​​include working exclusively with volunteers, and being neutral and independent. 

The food is obtained through donations, often food that would otherwise be wasted. The Foodbank acquires and donates food without any financial compensation – but money is needed for the rent of the warehouse, logistics and office costs, for example. 

Part of these costs are covered by donations and funds. 

The Foodbank Amsterdam coin is a collector's item and not legal tender – it can be ordered directly at

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