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Support for those who are struggling with the Southport losses

Words by Abi Scaife

It has been an incredibly difficult time in the UK over the last few days.

Bebe King, six, Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, and Alice da Silva Aguiar, nine, were tragically killed in Southport and, as the nation mourned, some have used the loss of these children as an excuse for riots.

At Smiley News, we understand that this will be incredibly upsetting for many out there. It may even be bringing up traumatic memories. Whether you have lost a child in your life, or simply need someone to talk to about what is going on, here are four charities with resources for those affected by the losses in Southport.

I have lost a child or a loved one.

Child Bereavement UK.

Child Bereavement UK helps children, young people, parents, and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. They support children and young people up to the age of 25.

They offer free, confidential bereavement support for individuals, couples, children, young people, and families, by telephone, video or instant messenger, anywhere in the UK. There are also some locations for face-to-face support.

Grief Encounter.

Grief Encounter works to give every child and young person access to the best possible support following the death of someone close. They offer a number of different forms of support including individual counselling, group workshops, art and music therapy and more.

Grief Encounter also has a dedicated Trauma Team for sudden or traumatic losses.

Aching Arms.

Aching Arms is a charity dedicated to supporting parents who have experienced the heartbreak of losing their baby, during pregnancy, at birth or soon after.

They have a ‘Supporting Arms’ service of dedicated bereaved parents who will help you through your loss, share experiences and give advice. They also offer an Aching Arms bear, given as a gift from one bereaved family to another, to let you know that you are not alone.

I need someone to talk to.


Samaritans offers an ear to anyone who is struggling, with specially trained volunteers who are here to listen and offer comfort. They are available on the phone, email, or even face-to-face, and are able to support those who are going through crisis.

While they aren’t specifically for those who have experienced a loss, they are for anyone and everyone who is struggling, and needs assistance.

If you are in crisis and feel you may cause yourself harm, you need urgent medical help. Please call 999 or head to your nearest A&E - or contact your local crisis team, whose number you can find on your regional NHS website.

Charity check-in

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article.

The New Normal. This charity is a completely free alternative to one-on-one therapy. Changing the way we discuss our grief, mental health and well-being in open and honest spaces. Support them here.

Campaign to End Loneliness. This charity campaigns to make sure that people most at risk of loneliness are reached and supported. Support them here.

Samaritans. Samaritans works to make sure there's always someone there for anyone who needs someone. Find out more here.

This article aligns with the UN SDGs Good Health and Wellbeing and Partnerships for the Goals.

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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