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This charity wants to encircle London with trees

Words by Abi Scaife

A charity is bidding to create an ‘M25 for nature’ around London.

Tell me more!

CPRE London, dubbed London’s ‘countryside charity’ aims to surround London with an uninterrupted ring of trees. 

They want to connect existing areas of greenery and biodiversity in the capital’s 18 outer boroughs to create a green belt that will help wildlife thrive.

What is this for?

The aim is to create an unbroken string of plant life - from native woodland to hedgerows, orchards and more - that wildlife can use to move around. 

Plus, the additional plant life and greenery is great not only for our planet but for the wellbeing of Londoners as well.

To learn more about CPRE London’s goal, and how they are going to determine the mapping of their green spaces, head to their website!

Charity check-in 

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article.

Trees For Cities. They are working to plant more trees within large metropolitan areas, for the betterment of people and planet. Support them here.

The Woodland Trust. This is the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity, concerned with the creation, protection, and restoration of native woodland heritage. Support them here.

Rewilding Britain. They aim to tackle the climate emergency and extinction crisis, reconnect people with the natural world and help communities thrive. Find out more here.

This article aligns with the UN SDGs Climate Action and Life on Land.

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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