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Welsh care hospice rescued by corporate donation

Words by Smiley Team

A care hospice in Wales has escaped closure in the pandemic, largely thanks to donations from a philanthropic foundation run by energy provider Scottish Power. Based in Wrexham, north east Wales, Nightingale House Hospice continues to provide free support to people nearing death as well as their families with the help of £25,000 from the foundation. 

Thanks to the massive cash boost, the hospice can maintain its volunteer-led services, including an inpatient ward, day-care and outpatient clinics, occupational therapy and bereavement support groups. Originally intended to develop an art therapy programme, the grant will also cover essential expenses and the launch of a food delivery service, allowing the team to support 250 households.

Welcoming the donation, chief executive of Nightingale House Hospice Steve Parry said: “Scottish Power Foundation allowed us to divert some of the funding into our day-to-day running costs, which meant we could keep our doors open and, most importantly, continue delivering an exceptional standard of care to our patients as well as offering support to friends and family of those receiving end of life care. We still plan to run our exciting new arts project when lockdown restrictions ease.”

Granting a peaceful end

Scottish Power Foundation is deeply committed to charitable causes that advance education, environmental protection, the arts, culture and science as well as initiatives to reduce poverty and support disadvantaged communities.

Their grant to the hospice will help provide a vital service to elderly people in Wales, where pensioners have experienced a rise in poverty over recent years. It will also provide funds for the charity that otherwise could have ground to a halt due to the lockdown. 

Prior to the Covid-19 outbreak, Nightingale House Hospice depended on its popular retail stores, cafes and charity events to fund its services. Now those services are shut, they are completely dependent on donations.

Parry explained: “Although we have actively sought alternative means of income since the onset of the pandemic, we have never relied so much on the support of our corporate funders such as the ScottishPower Foundation.”

To help sustain the charity and support people towards the end of their lives, you can donate via their website.

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