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Cat of the Year raises £40,000 for charity

Words by Abi Scaife

A cat that raised nearly £40,000 for charity has been crowned Vets Now’s ‘Pet of the Year’.

Morgan, the cat, lives in Norfolk with brother Morris and owner’, Rhia. Unfortunately, Morgan developed a whole host of allergies - everything from flea medication to deodorant sets him off, and has him scratching at his skin.

In an effort to protect him, owner Rhia bought him an adorable dog jumper which seemed to do the trick. She posted on Facebook, and soon Morgan had his own social media accounts, a small following, and even a calendar, which she used to raise money for a local animal charity.

The range of charity merchandise now has hoodies, mugs, tea towels and much more - and he has raised almost £40,000 for charities.

Rhia said: - “I’d never have dreamed that what started as a bit of fun to beat the boredom in lockdown could have done so much good. It surprises me every day and I sometimes wonder if Morgan knows what people think of him.” 

“It’s really satisfying to know this is helping little charities, and I was shocked but so happy at him winning this lovely award.” 

Thanks to a combination of medication and exclusions, Morgan’s symptoms are mostly under control, though he still wears his adorable outfits. 

Charity check-in 

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article.   

RSPCA. This is the leading animal welfare charity in the UK, and they specialise in animal rescue & furthering the welfare cause for all animals. Find out more here.

Four Paws UK. This charity is an animal welfare organisation, working globally to help animals in need. Learn more here.

Wildlife Justice Commission. This international foundation works to end animal trafficking around the globe. Find out more here.

This article aligns with the UN SDGs Life on Land and Partnerships for the Goals.

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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