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Everything you need to know about Tom Holland's charity

Words by Abi Scaife

Tom Holland has a reputation for being a decent guy, but did you know he actually has a charity?

Set up by his parents, Nikki and Dom Holland, The Brother’s Trust helps to support charities in their all-important work so that they can be heard in this noisy world. It’s harder than ever for charities to be noticed, and to find funding, 

Their parents and Tom’s siblings run the day-to-day of the charity, while Tom helps with fundraising, using his reach and popularity to shine a light on incredible causes.

Most recently, Tom and The Brothers Trust have been raising awareness for EB, or Epidermolysis Bullosa. 

According to the charity CureEB: “The slightest friction on this fragile skin causes blistering, skin loss, sores and open wounds burns all over the body, internally and externally, meaning sufferers never have a moment’s rest from pain.” 

You may also know EB by a more colloquial name; Butterfly Skin.

Over the course of their charity work, The Holland family became incredibly close with Myra Ali, a young woman with EB, who has sadly passed away.

According to a post on The Brother’s Trust website: “There are all sorts of terrible diseases that afflict people, but EB makes a powerful case for being the cruellest, the most painful and the most unrelenting. And because there is currently no cure for EB, this must hurt its sufferers even further and why it is worth reiterating that Myra never moaned.”

In memory of Myra, Tom and The Brother’s Trust have launched a campaign encouraging people to donate to CureEB, in the hopes that a cure will one day be found for people like Myra.

The Brother’s Trust supports so many charities under three main pillars; health, education, and social. Through Tom’s campaigning and fundraising, and grants that are so vital in keeping charities going, the Holland family are making a huge difference in our world.

It’s incredible to see someone with such a high profile work so tirelessly for others, using his position of privilege to help those in need. At Smiley News, we love what Tom Holland is doing, and can’t wait to see him inspire those around him to do the same.

Charity check-in 

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article.   

The Fore. This charity is transforming lives and society by turbo-charging exceptional small charities and social enterprises. Support them here.

The Brother’s Trust. This charity is run by Tom Holland’s family, aiming to shine a light on charities where generous donations can be used to maximum effect. Find out more.

The Henry Smith Charity. This is a grant giving charity that aims to use its resources to help people and communities in the UK. Learn more here.

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